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Interface BlobSyncCopyFromURLOptions

Package version

Options to configure the BlobClient.syncCopyFromURL operation.




Optional abortSignal

abortSignal: AbortSignalLike

An implementation of the AbortSignalLike interface to signal the request to cancel the operation. For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an AbortSignal.

Optional conditions

Conditions to meet for the destination blob when copying from a URL to the blob.

Optional immutabilityPolicy

immutabilityPolicy: BlobImmutabilityPolicy

Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob. Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that has version level worm enabled.

Optional legalHold

legalHold: undefined | false | true

Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob. Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that has version level worm enabled.

Optional metadata

metadata: Metadata

A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the snapshot.

Optional sourceAuthorization

sourceAuthorization: HttpAuthorization

Only Bearer type is supported. Credentials should be a valid OAuth access token to copy source.

Optional sourceConditions

Conditions to meet for the source Azure Blob/File when copying from a URL to the blob.

Optional sourceContentMD5

sourceContentMD5: Uint8Array

Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source.

Optional tags

tags: Tags

Blob tags.

Optional tracingOptions

tracingOptions: OperationTracingOptions

Options to configure spans created when tracing is enabled.

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