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Interface StatefulServiceReplicaInfo

Package version

Represents a stateful service replica. This includes information about the identity, role, status, health, node name, uptime, and other details about the replica.


  • StatefulServiceReplicaInfo



Optional address

address: undefined | string

The address the replica is listening on.

Optional healthState

healthState: HealthState

The health state of a Service Fabric entity such as Cluster, Node, Application, Service, Partition, Replica etc. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Ok', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Unknown'

Optional lastInBuildDurationInSeconds

lastInBuildDurationInSeconds: undefined | string

The last in build duration of the replica in seconds.

Optional nodeName

nodeName: undefined | string

The name of a Service Fabric node.

Optional replicaId

replicaId: undefined | string

Id of a stateful service replica. ReplicaId is used by Service Fabric to uniquely identify a replica of a partition. It is unique within a partition and does not change for the lifetime of the replica. If a replica gets dropped and another replica gets created on the same node for the same partition, it will get a different value for the id. Sometimes the id of a stateless service instance is also referred as a replica id.

Optional replicaRole

replicaRole: ReplicaRole

The role of a replica of a stateful service. Possible values include: 'Unknown', 'None', 'Primary', 'IdleSecondary', 'ActiveSecondary'

Optional replicaStatus

replicaStatus: ReplicaStatus

The status of a replica of a service. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'InBuild', 'Standby', 'Ready', 'Down', 'Dropped'


serviceKind: "Stateful"

Polymorphic Discriminator

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