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Interface ReplicatorQueueStatus

Package version

Provides various statistics of the queue used in the service fabric replicator. Contains information about the service fabric replicator like the replication/copy queue utilization, last acknowledgement received timestamp, etc. Depending on the role of the replicator, the properties in this type imply different meanings.


  • ReplicatorQueueStatus



Optional committedSequenceNumber

committedSequenceNumber: undefined | string

On a primary replicator, this is semantically the highest sequence number of the operation for which a write quorum of the secondary replicas have sent an acknowledgement. On a secondary replicator, this is semantically the highest sequence number of the in-order operation received from the primary.

Optional completedSequenceNumber

completedSequenceNumber: undefined | string

On a primary replicator, this is semantically the highest sequence number of the operation for which all the secondary replicas have sent an acknowledgement. On a secondary replicator, this is semantically the highest sequence number that has been applied to the persistent state.

Optional firstSequenceNumber

firstSequenceNumber: undefined | string

On a primary replicator, this is semantically the sequence number of the operation for which all the secondary replicas have sent an acknowledgement. On a secondary replicator, this is the smallest sequence number of the operation that is present in the queue.

Optional lastSequenceNumber

lastSequenceNumber: undefined | string

Represents the latest sequence number of the operation that is available in the queue.

Optional queueMemorySize

queueMemorySize: undefined | string

Represents the virtual memory consumed by the queue in bytes.

Optional queueUtilizationPercentage

queueUtilizationPercentage: undefined | number

Represents the utilization of the queue. A value of 0 indicates that the queue is empty and a value of 100 indicates the queue is full.

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