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Interface RemoteReplicatorStatus

Package version

Represents the state of the secondary replicator from the primary replicator’s point of view.


  • RemoteReplicatorStatus



Optional isInBuild

isInBuild: undefined | false | true

A value that indicates whether the secondary replica is in the process of being built.

Optional lastAcknowledgementProcessedTimeUtc

lastAcknowledgementProcessedTimeUtc: Date

The last timestamp (in UTC) when an acknowledgement from the secondary replicator was processed on the primary. UTC 0 represents an invalid value, indicating that no acknowledgement messages were ever processed.

Optional lastAppliedCopySequenceNumber

lastAppliedCopySequenceNumber: undefined | string

The highest copy operation sequence number that the secondary has applied to its state. A value of -1 implies that the secondary has applied all copy operations and the copy process is complete.

Optional lastAppliedReplicationSequenceNumber

lastAppliedReplicationSequenceNumber: undefined | string

The highest replication operation sequence number that the secondary has applied to its state.

Optional lastReceivedCopySequenceNumber

lastReceivedCopySequenceNumber: undefined | string

The highest copy operation sequence number that the secondary has received from the primary. A value of -1 implies that the secondary has received all copy operations.

Optional lastReceivedReplicationSequenceNumber

lastReceivedReplicationSequenceNumber: undefined | string

The highest replication operation sequence number that the secondary has received from the primary.

Optional remoteReplicatorAcknowledgementStatus

remoteReplicatorAcknowledgementStatus: RemoteReplicatorAcknowledgementStatus

Represents the acknowledgment status for the remote secondary replicator.

Optional replicaId

replicaId: undefined | string

Represents the replica ID of the remote secondary replicator.

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