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Interface PropertyMetadata

Package version

The metadata associated with a property, including the property's name.


  • PropertyMetadata



Optional customTypeId

customTypeId: undefined | string

The property's custom type ID.

Optional lastModifiedUtcTimestamp

lastModifiedUtcTimestamp: Date

Represents when the Property was last modified. Only write operations will cause this field to be updated.

Optional parent

parent: undefined | string

The name of the parent Service Fabric Name for the property. It could be thought of as the name-space/table under which the property exists.

Optional sequenceNumber

sequenceNumber: undefined | string

The version of the property. Every time a property is modified, its sequence number is increased.

Optional sizeInBytes

sizeInBytes: undefined | number

The length of the serialized property value.

Optional typeId

The kind of property, determined by the type of data. Following are the possible values. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Binary', 'Int64', 'Double', 'String', 'Guid'

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