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Interface PartitionHealth

Package version

Information about the health of a Service Fabric partition.




Optional aggregatedHealthState

aggregatedHealthState: HealthState

The HealthState representing the aggregated health state of the entity computed by Health Manager. The health evaluation of the entity reflects all events reported on the entity and its children (if any). The aggregation is done by applying the desired health policy. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Ok', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Unknown'

Optional healthEvents

healthEvents: HealthEvent[]

The list of health events reported on the entity.

Optional healthStatistics

healthStatistics: HealthStatistics

Shows the health statistics for all children types of the queried entity.

Optional partitionId

partitionId: undefined | string

ID of the partition whose health information is described by this object.

Optional replicaHealthStates

replicaHealthStates: ReplicaHealthStateUnion[]

The list of replica health states associated with the partition.

Optional unhealthyEvaluations

unhealthyEvaluations: HealthEvaluationWrapper[]

The unhealthy evaluations that show why the current aggregated health state was returned by Health Manager.

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