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Interface NodeInfo

Package version

Information about a node in Service Fabric cluster.


  • NodeInfo



Optional codeVersion

codeVersion: undefined | string

The version of Service Fabric binaries that the node is running.

Optional configVersion

configVersion: undefined | string

The version of Service Fabric cluster manifest that the node is using.

Optional faultDomain

faultDomain: undefined | string

The fault domain of the node.

Optional healthState

healthState: HealthState

The health state of a Service Fabric entity such as Cluster, Node, Application, Service, Partition, Replica etc. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Ok', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Unknown'

Optional id

id: NodeId

An internal ID used by Service Fabric to uniquely identify a node. Node Id is deterministically generated from node name.

Optional instanceId

instanceId: undefined | string

The ID representing the node instance. While the ID of the node is deterministically generated from the node name and remains same across restarts, the InstanceId changes every time node restarts.

Optional ipAddressOrFQDN

ipAddressOrFQDN: undefined | string

The IP address or fully qualified domain name of the node.

Optional isSeedNode

isSeedNode: undefined | false | true

Indicates if the node is a seed node or not. Returns true if the node is a seed node, otherwise false. A quorum of seed nodes are required for proper operation of Service Fabric cluster.

Optional isStopped

isStopped: undefined | false | true

Indicates if the node is stopped by calling stop node API or not. Returns true if the node is stopped, otherwise false.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The name of a Service Fabric node.

Optional nodeDeactivationInfo

nodeDeactivationInfo: NodeDeactivationInfo

Information about the node deactivation. This information is valid for a node that is undergoing deactivation or has already been deactivated.

Optional nodeDownAt

nodeDownAt: Date

Date time in UTC when the node went down. If node has never been down then this value will be zero date time.

Optional nodeDownTimeInSeconds

nodeDownTimeInSeconds: undefined | string

Time in seconds since the node has been in NodeStatus Down. Value zero indicates node is not NodeStatus Down.

Optional nodeStatus

nodeStatus: NodeStatus

The status of the node. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Up', 'Down', 'Enabling', 'Disabling', 'Disabled', 'Unknown', 'Removed'

Optional nodeUpAt

nodeUpAt: Date

Date time in UTC when the node came up. If the node has never been up then this value will be zero date time.

Optional nodeUpTimeInSeconds

nodeUpTimeInSeconds: undefined | string

Time in seconds since the node has been in NodeStatus Up. Value zero indicates that the node is not Up.

Optional type

type: undefined | string

The type of the node.

Optional upgradeDomain

upgradeDomain: undefined | string

The upgrade domain of the node.

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