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Interface DeployedServiceTypeInfo

Package version

Information about service type deployed on a node, information such as the status of the service type registration on a node.


  • DeployedServiceTypeInfo



Optional codePackageName

codePackageName: undefined | string

The name of the code package that registered the service type.

Optional serviceManifestName

serviceManifestName: undefined | string

The name of the service manifest in which this service type is defined.

Optional servicePackageActivationId

servicePackageActivationId: undefined | string

The ActivationId of a deployed service package. If ServicePackageActivationMode specified at the time of creating the service is 'SharedProcess' (or if it is not specified, in which case it defaults to 'SharedProcess'), then value of ServicePackageActivationId is always an empty string.

Optional serviceTypeName

serviceTypeName: undefined | string

Name of the service type as specified in the service manifest.

Optional status

The status of the service type registration on the node. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Disabled', 'Enabled', 'Registered'

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