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Interface ContainerCodePackageProperties

Package version

Describes a container and its runtime properties.


  • ContainerCodePackageProperties



Optional commands

commands: string[]

Command array to execute within the container in exec form.

Optional diagnostics

diagnostics: DiagnosticsRef

Reference to sinks in DiagnosticsDescription.

Optional endpoints

endpoints: EndpointProperties[]

The endpoints exposed by this container.

Optional entrypoint

entrypoint: undefined | string

Override for the default entry point in the container.

Optional environmentVariables

environmentVariables: EnvironmentVariable[]

The environment variables to set in this container


image: string

The Container image to use.

Optional imageRegistryCredential

imageRegistryCredential: ImageRegistryCredential

Image registry credential.

Optional instanceView

instanceView: ContainerInstanceView

Runtime information of a container instance. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional labels

labels: ContainerLabel[]

The labels to set in this container.


name: string

The name of the code package.

Optional reliableCollectionsRefs

reliableCollectionsRefs: ReliableCollectionsRef[]

A list of ReliableCollection resources used by this particular code package. Please refer to ReliableCollectionsRef for more details.


The resources required by this container.

Optional settings

settings: Setting[]

The settings to set in this container. The setting file path can be fetched from environment variable "Fabric_SettingPath". The path for Windows container is "C:\secrets". The path for Linux container is "/var/secrets".

Optional volumeRefs

volumeRefs: VolumeReference[]

Volumes to be attached to the container. The lifetime of these volumes is independent of the application's lifetime.

Optional volumes

Volumes to be attached to the container. The lifetime of these volumes is scoped to the application's lifetime.

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