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Interface ClusterHealthChunk

Package version

Represents the health chunk of the cluster. Contains the cluster aggregated health state, and the cluster entities that respect the input filter.


  • ClusterHealthChunk



Optional applicationHealthStateChunks

applicationHealthStateChunks: ApplicationHealthStateChunkList

The list of application health state chunks in the cluster that respect the filters in the cluster health chunk query description.

Optional healthState

healthState: HealthState

The HealthState representing the aggregated health state of the cluster computed by Health Manager. The health evaluation of the entity reflects all events reported on the entity and its children (if any). The aggregation is done by applying the desired cluster health policy and the application health policies. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Ok', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Unknown'

Optional nodeHealthStateChunks

nodeHealthStateChunks: NodeHealthStateChunkList

The list of node health state chunks in the cluster that respect the filters in the cluster health chunk query description.

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