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Interface BackupInfo

Package version

Represents a backup point which can be used to trigger a restore.


  • BackupInfo



Optional applicationName

applicationName: undefined | string

Name of the Service Fabric application this partition backup belongs to.

Optional backupChainId

backupChainId: undefined | string

Unique backup chain ID. All backups part of the same chain has the same backup chain id. A backup chain is comprised of 1 full backup and multiple incremental backups.

Optional backupId

backupId: undefined | string

Unique backup ID .

Optional backupLocation

backupLocation: undefined | string

Location of the backup, relative to the backup store.

Optional backupType

backupType: BackupType

Describes the type of backup, whether its full or incremental. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Full', 'Incremental'

Optional creationTimeUtc

creationTimeUtc: Date

The date time when this backup was taken.

Optional epochOfLastBackupRecord

epochOfLastBackupRecord: Epoch

Epoch of the last record in this backup.

Optional failureError

failureError: FabricErrorError

Denotes the failure encountered in getting backup point information.

Optional lsnOfLastBackupRecord

lsnOfLastBackupRecord: undefined | string

LSN of the last record in this backup.

Optional partitionInformation

partitionInformation: PartitionInformationUnion

Information about the partition to which this backup belongs to

Optional serviceManifestVersion

serviceManifestVersion: undefined | string

Manifest Version of the service this partition backup belongs to.

Optional serviceName

serviceName: undefined | string

Name of the Service Fabric service this partition backup belongs to.

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