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Interface ApplicationUpgradeProgressInfo

Package version

Describes the parameters for an application upgrade.


  • ApplicationUpgradeProgressInfo



Optional currentUpgradeDomainProgress

currentUpgradeDomainProgress: CurrentUpgradeDomainProgressInfo

Information about the current in-progress upgrade domain.

Optional failureReason

failureReason: FailureReason

The cause of an upgrade failure that resulted in FailureAction being executed. Possible values include: 'None', 'Interrupted', 'HealthCheck', 'UpgradeDomainTimeout', 'OverallUpgradeTimeout'

Optional failureTimestampUtc

failureTimestampUtc: undefined | string

The estimated UTC datetime when the upgrade failed and FailureAction was executed.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The name of the target application, including the 'fabric:' URI scheme.

Optional nextUpgradeDomain

nextUpgradeDomain: undefined | string

The name of the next upgrade domain to be processed.

Optional rollingUpgradeMode

rollingUpgradeMode: UpgradeMode

The mode used to monitor health during a rolling upgrade. The values are UnmonitoredAuto, UnmonitoredManual, and Monitored. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'UnmonitoredAuto', 'UnmonitoredManual', 'Monitored'. Default value: 'UnmonitoredAuto'.

Optional startTimestampUtc

startTimestampUtc: undefined | string

The estimated UTC datetime when the upgrade started.

Optional targetApplicationTypeVersion

targetApplicationTypeVersion: undefined | string

The target application type version (found in the application manifest) for the application upgrade.

Optional typeName

typeName: undefined | string

The application type name as defined in the application manifest.

Optional unhealthyEvaluations

unhealthyEvaluations: HealthEvaluationWrapper[]

List of health evaluations that resulted in the current aggregated health state.

Optional upgradeDescription

upgradeDescription: ApplicationUpgradeDescription

Describes the parameters for an application upgrade. Note that upgrade description replaces the existing application description. This means that if the parameters are not specified, the existing parameters on the applications will be overwritten with the empty parameters list. This would result in the application using the default value of the parameters from the application manifest. If you do not want to change any existing parameter values, please get the application parameters first using the GetApplicationInfo query and then supply those values as Parameters in this ApplicationUpgradeDescription.

Optional upgradeDomainDurationInMilliseconds

upgradeDomainDurationInMilliseconds: undefined | string

The estimated total amount of time spent processing the current upgrade domain.

Optional upgradeDomainProgressAtFailure

upgradeDomainProgressAtFailure: FailureUpgradeDomainProgressInfo

Information about the upgrade domain progress at the time of upgrade failure.

Optional upgradeDomains

upgradeDomains: UpgradeDomainInfo[]

List of upgrade domains and their statuses.

Optional upgradeDurationInMilliseconds

upgradeDurationInMilliseconds: undefined | string

The estimated total amount of time spent processing the overall upgrade.

Optional upgradeState

upgradeState: UpgradeState

The state of the upgrade domain. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'RollingBackInProgress', 'RollingBackCompleted', 'RollingForwardPending', 'RollingForwardInProgress', 'RollingForwardCompleted', 'Failed'

Optional upgradeStatusDetails

upgradeStatusDetails: undefined | string

Additional detailed information about the status of the pending upgrade.

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