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Class MeshSecretValue

Package version

Class representing a MeshSecretValue.


  • MeshSecretValue








  • Creates a new value of the specified secret resource. The name of the value is typically the version identifier. Once created the value cannot be changed.


    Adds the specified value as a new version of the specified secret resource.


    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • secretValueResourceDescription: SecretValueResourceDescription

      Description for creating a value of a secret resource.

    • Optional options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

    Returns Promise<Models.MeshSecretValueAddValueResponse>


  • Parameters

    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • secretValueResourceDescription: SecretValueResourceDescription

      Description for creating a value of a secret resource.

    • callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValueResourceDescription>

      The callback

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • secretValueResourceDescription: SecretValueResourceDescription

      Description for creating a value of a secret resource.

    • options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

      The optional parameters

    • callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValueResourceDescription>

      The callback

    Returns void


  • deleteMethod(secretResourceName: string, secretValueResourceName: string, options?: msRest.RequestOptionsBase): Promise<msRest.RestResponse>
  • deleteMethod(secretResourceName: string, secretValueResourceName: string, callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<void>): void
  • deleteMethod(secretResourceName: string, secretValueResourceName: string, options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase, callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<void>): void
  • Deletes the secret value resource identified by the name. The name of the resource is typically the version associated with that value. Deletion will fail if the specified value is in use.


    Deletes the specified value of the named secret resource.


    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • Optional options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

    Returns Promise<msRest.RestResponse>


  • Parameters

    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<void>

      The callback

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

      The optional parameters

    • callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<void>

      The callback

    Returns void


  • get(secretResourceName: string, secretValueResourceName: string, options?: msRest.RequestOptionsBase): Promise<Models.MeshSecretValueGetResponse>
  • get(secretResourceName: string, secretValueResourceName: string, callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValueResourceDescription>): void
  • get(secretResourceName: string, secretValueResourceName: string, options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase, callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValueResourceDescription>): void
  • Get the information about the specified named secret value resources. The information does not include the actual value of the secret.


    Gets the specified secret value resource.


    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • Optional options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

    Returns Promise<Models.MeshSecretValueGetResponse>


  • Parameters

    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValueResourceDescription>

      The callback

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

      The optional parameters

    • callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValueResourceDescription>

      The callback

    Returns void


  • Gets information about all secret value resources of the specified secret resource. The information includes the names of the secret value resources, but not the actual values.


    List names of all values of the specified secret resource.


    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • Optional options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

    Returns Promise<Models.MeshSecretValueListResponse>


  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

      The optional parameters

    • callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<PagedSecretValueResourceDescriptionList>

      The callback

    Returns void


  • show(secretResourceName: string, secretValueResourceName: string, options?: msRest.RequestOptionsBase): Promise<Models.MeshSecretValueShowResponse>
  • show(secretResourceName: string, secretValueResourceName: string, callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValue>): void
  • show(secretResourceName: string, secretValueResourceName: string, options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase, callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValue>): void
  • Lists the decrypted value of the specified named value of the secret resource. This is a privileged operation.


    Lists the specified value of the secret resource.


    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • Optional options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

    Returns Promise<Models.MeshSecretValueShowResponse>


  • Parameters

    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValue>

      The callback

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • secretResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource.

    • secretValueResourceName: string

      The name of the secret resource value which is typically the version identifier for the value.

    • options: msRest.RequestOptionsBase

      The optional parameters

    • callback: msRest.ServiceCallback<SecretValue>

      The callback

    Returns void

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