The time when this message is considered expired.
The content-encoding property is used as a modifier to the content-type. When present, its valueindicates what additional content encodings have been applied to theapplication-data.
MIME type for the message.
The id that can be used to mark or identify messages between clients.
The time this message was created.
The group this message belongs to.
The sequence number of this message with its group.
The application message identifier that uniquely idenitifes a message. The user is responsible for making sure that this is unique in the given context. Guids usually make a good fit.
The address of the node to send replies to.
The group the reply message belongs to.
A common field for summary information about the message content and purpose.
The address of the node the message is destined for.
The identity of the user responsible for producing the message.
Generated using TypeDoc
Describes the defined set of standard properties of the message.