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Interface SubscriptionResponse

Package version

Represents result of create, get, and update operations on subscription.





_response: HttpOperationResponse

The underlying HTTP response.


autoDeleteOnIdle: string

Max idle time before entity is deleted. This is to be specified in ISO-8601 duration format such as "PT1M" for 1 minute, "PT5S" for 5 seconds.

More on ISO-8601 duration format: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations


deadLetteringOnFilterEvaluationExceptions: boolean

Determines how the Service Bus handles a message that causes an exception during a subscription’s filter evaluation. If the value is set to true, the message that caused the exception will be moved to the subscription’s dead-letter sub-queue. Otherwise, it will be discarded. By default this parameter is set to true, allowing the user a chance to investigate the cause of the exception. It can occur from a malformed message or some incorrect assumptions being made in the filter about the form of the message. Settable only at topic creation time.


deadLetteringOnMessageExpiration: boolean

If it is enabled and a message expires, the Service Bus moves the message from the queue into the subscription’s dead-letter sub-queue. If disabled, message will be permanently deleted from the subscription’s main queue. Settable only at subscription creation time.


defaultMessageTtl: string

Determines how long a message lives in the subscription. Based on whether dead-lettering is enabled, a message whose TTL has expired will either be moved to the subscription’s associated DeadLtterQueue or permanently deleted. This is to be specified in ISO-8601 duration format such as "PT1M" for 1 minute, "PT5S" for 5 seconds.

More on ISO-8601 duration format: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations


enableBatchedOperations: boolean

Specifies if batched operations should be allowed.

Optional forwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo

forwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo: undefined | string

Absolute URL or the name of the queue or topic the dead-lettered messages are to be forwarded to. For example, an absolute URL input would be of the form sb://<your-service-bus-namespace-endpoint>/<queue-or-topic-name>

Optional forwardTo

forwardTo: undefined | string

Absolute URL or the name of the queue or topic the messages are to be forwarded to. For example, an absolute URL input would be of the form sb://<your-service-bus-namespace-endpoint>/<queue-or-topic-name>


lockDuration: string

The default lock duration is applied to subscriptions that do not define a lock duration. Settable only at subscription creation time. This is to be specified in ISO-8601 duration format such as "PT1M" for 1 minute, "PT5S" for 5 seconds.

More on ISO-8601 duration format: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations


maxDeliveryCount: number

The maximum delivery count of messages after which if it is still not settled, gets moved to the dead-letter sub-queue.


requiresSession: boolean

If set to true, the subscription will be session-aware and only SessionReceiver will be supported. Session-aware subscription are not supported through REST. Settable only at subscription creation time.


status: EntityStatus

Status of the messaging entity.


subscriptionName: string

Name of the subscription


topicName: string

Name of the topic


userMetadata: string

The user provided metadata information associated with the subscription. Used to specify textual content such as tags, labels, etc. Value must not exceed 1024 bytes encoded in utf-8.

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