  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class ServiceBusManagementClient

Package version

All operations return promises that resolve to an object that has the relevant output. These objects also have a property called _response that you can use if you want to access the direct response from the service.


  • any
    • ServiceBusManagementClient






  • Creates a queue with given name, configured using the given options


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityAlreadyExistsError when requested messaging entity already exists,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code QuotaExceededError when requested operation fails due to quote limits exceeding from service side,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • queueName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<QueueResponse>

  • Creates a queue configured using the given options


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityAlreadyExistsError when requested messaging entity already exists,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code QuotaExceededError when requested operation fails due to quote limits exceeding from service side,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • queue: QueueDescription

      Options to configure the Queue being created. For example, you can configure a queue to support partitions or sessions.

    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<QueueResponse>


  • createRule(topicName: string, subscriptionName: string, rule: RuleDescription, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<RuleResponse>
  • Creates a rule with given name, configured using the given options.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityAlreadyExistsError when requested messaging entity already exists,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code QuotaExceededError when requested operation fails due to quote limits exceeding from service side,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • subscriptionName: string
    • rule: RuleDescription
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<RuleResponse>


  • Creates a subscription with given name, configured using the given options


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityAlreadyExistsError when requested messaging entity already exists,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code QuotaExceededError when requested operation fails due to quote limits exceeding from service side,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • subscriptionName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<SubscriptionResponse>

  • Creates a subscription with given name, configured using the given options


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityAlreadyExistsError when requested messaging entity already exists,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code QuotaExceededError when requested operation fails due to quote limits exceeding from service side,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • subscription: SubscriptionDescription

      Options to configure the Subscription being created. For example, you can configure a Subscription to support partitions or sessions.

    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<SubscriptionResponse>


  • Creates a topic with given name, configured using the given options


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityAlreadyExistsError when requested messaging entity already exists,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code QuotaExceededError when requested operation fails due to quote limits exceeding from service side,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<TopicResponse>

  • Creates a topic with given name, configured using the given options


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityAlreadyExistsError when requested messaging entity already exists,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code QuotaExceededError when requested operation fails due to quote limits exceeding from service side,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topic: TopicDescription

      Options to configure the Topic being created. For example, you can configure a topic to support partitions or sessions.

    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<TopicResponse>


  • deleteQueue(queueName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<Response>
  • Deletes a queue.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • queueName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<Response>


  • deleteRule(topicName: string, subscriptionName: string, ruleName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<Response>
  • Deletes a rule.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • subscriptionName: string
    • ruleName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<Response>


  • deleteSubscription(topicName: string, subscriptionName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<Response>
  • Deletes a subscription.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • subscriptionName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<Response>


  • deleteTopic(topicName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<Response>
  • Deletes a topic.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<Response>



  • getQueue(queueName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<QueueResponse>
  • Returns an object representing the Queue and its properties. If you want to get the Queue runtime info like message count details, use getQueueRuntimeInfo API.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • queueName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<QueueResponse>


  • Returns an object representing the Queue runtime info like message count details.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • queueName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<QueueRuntimeInfoResponse>


  • Returns a list of objects, each representing a Queue along with its properties. If you want to get the runtime info of the queues like message count, use getQueuesRuntimeInfo API instead.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • Optional options: ListRequestOptions & OperationOptions

      The options include the maxCount and the count of entities to skip, the operation options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<QueuesResponse>


  • Returns a list of objects, each representing a Queue's runtime info like message count details.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • Optional options: ListRequestOptions & OperationOptions

      The options include the maxCount and the count of entities to skip, the operation options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<QueuesRuntimeInfoResponse>


  • getRule(topicName: string, subscriptionName: string, ruleName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<RuleResponse>
  • Returns an object representing the Rule with the given name along with all its properties.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • subscriptionName: string
    • ruleName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<RuleResponse>


  • Lists existing rules.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • subscriptionName: string
    • Optional options: ListRequestOptions & OperationOptions

      The options include the maxCount and the count of entities to skip, the operation options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<RulesResponse>


  • getSubscription(topicName: string, subscriptionName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<SubscriptionResponse>
  • Returns an object representing the Subscription and its properties. If you want to get the Subscription runtime info like message count details, use getSubscriptionRuntimeInfo API.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • subscriptionName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<SubscriptionResponse>


  • Returns an object representing the Subscription runtime info like message count details.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • subscriptionName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<SubscriptionRuntimeInfoResponse>


  • Returns a list of objects, each representing a Subscription along with its properties. If you want to get the runtime info of the subscriptions like message count, use getSubscriptionsRuntimeInfo API instead.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • Optional options: ListRequestOptions & OperationOptions

      The options include the maxCount and the count of entities to skip, the operation options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<SubscriptionsResponse>


  • Returns a list of objects, each representing a Subscription's runtime info like message count details.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • Optional options: ListRequestOptions & OperationOptions

      The options include the maxCount and the count of entities to skip, the operation options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<SubscriptionsRuntimeInfoResponse>


  • getTopic(topicName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<TopicResponse>
  • Returns an object representing the Topic and its properties. If you want to get the Topic runtime info like subscription count details, use getTopicRuntimeInfo API.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<TopicResponse>


  • Returns an object representing the Topic runtime info like subscription count.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<TopicRuntimeInfoResponse>


  • Returns a list of objects, each representing a Topic along with its properties. If you want to get the runtime info of the topics like subscription count, use getTopicsRuntimeInfo API instead.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • Optional options: ListRequestOptions & OperationOptions

      The options include the maxCount and the count of entities to skip, the operation options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<TopicsResponse>


  • Returns a list of objects, each representing a Topic's runtime info like subscription count.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • Optional options: ListRequestOptions & OperationOptions

      The options include the maxCount and the count of entities to skip, the operation options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<TopicsRuntimeInfoResponse>


  • queueExists(queueName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<boolean>


  • subscriptionExists(topicName: string, subscriptionName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<boolean>


  • topicExists(topicName: string, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<boolean>


  • Updates the queue based on the queue description provided. All properties on the queue description must be set even though only a subset of them are actually updatable. Therefore, the suggested flow is to use getQueue() to get the queue description with all properties set, update as needed and then pass it to updateQueue(). See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/servicebus/update-queue for more details.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • queue: QueueDescription

      Object representing the queue with one or more of the below properties updated

      • defaultMessageTimeToLive
      • lockDuration
      • deadLetteringOnMessageExpiration
      • duplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow
      • maxDeliveryCount
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<QueueResponse>


  • updateRule(topicName: string, subscriptionName: string, rule: RuleDescription, operationOptions?: OperationOptions): Promise<RuleResponse>
  • Updates properties on the Rule by the given name based on the given options.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topicName: string
    • subscriptionName: string
    • rule: RuleDescription

      Options to configure the Rule being updated. For example, you can configure the filter to apply on associated Topic/Subscription.

    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<RuleResponse>


  • Updates the subscription based on the subscription description provided. All properties on the subscription description must be set even though only a subset of them are actually updatable. Therefore, the suggested flow is to use getSubscription() to get the subscription description with all properties set, update as needed and then pass it to updateSubscription().


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • subscription: SubscriptionDescription

      Object representing the subscription with one or more of the below properties updated

      • lockDuration
      • deadLetteringOnMessageExpiration
      • maxDeliveryCount
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<SubscriptionResponse>


  • Updates the topic based on the topic description provided. All properties on the topic description must be set even though only a subset of them are actually updatable. Therefore, the suggested flow is to use getTopic() to get the topic description with all properties set, update as needed and then pass it to updateTopic(). See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/servicebus/update-topic for more details.


    RestError with code UnauthorizedRequestError when given request fails due to authorization problems,


    RestError with code MessageEntityNotFoundError when requested messaging entity does not exist,


    RestError with code InvalidOperationError when requested operation is invalid and we encounter a 403 HTTP status code,


    RestError with code ServerBusyError when the request fails due to server being busy,


    RestError with code ServiceError when receiving unrecognized HTTP status or for a scenarios such as bad requests or requests resulting in conflicting operation on the server,


    RestError with code that is a value from the standard set of HTTP status codes as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.httpstatuscode?view=netframework-4.8


    • topic: TopicDescription

      Object representing the topic with one or more of the below properties updated

      • defaultMessageTimeToLive
      • duplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow
    • Optional operationOptions: OperationOptions

      The options that can be used to abort, trace and control other configurations on the HTTP request.

      Following are errors that can be expected from this operation

    Returns Promise<TopicResponse>

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