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Interface WordDelimiterTokenFilter

Package version

Splits words into subwords and performs optional transformations on subword groups. This token filter is implemented using Apache Lucene.


  • WordDelimiterTokenFilter



Optional catenateAll

catenateAll: undefined | false | true

A value indicating whether all subword parts will be catenated. For example, if this is set to true, "Azure-Search-1" becomes "AzureSearch1". Default is false. Default value: false.

Optional catenateNumbers

catenateNumbers: undefined | false | true

A value indicating whether maximum runs of number parts will be catenated. For example, if this is set to true, "1-2" becomes "12". Default is false. Default value: false.

Optional catenateWords

catenateWords: undefined | false | true

A value indicating whether maximum runs of word parts will be catenated. For example, if this is set to true, "Azure-Search" becomes "AzureSearch". Default is false. Default value: false.

Optional generateNumberParts

generateNumberParts: undefined | false | true

A value indicating whether to generate number subwords. Default is true. Default value: true.

Optional generateWordParts

generateWordParts: undefined | false | true

A value indicating whether to generate part words. If set, causes parts of words to be generated; for example "AzureSearch" becomes "Azure" "Search". Default is true. Default value: true.


name: string

The name of the token filter. It must only contain letters, digits, spaces, dashes or underscores, can only start and end with alphanumeric characters, and is limited to 128 characters.


odatatype: "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.WordDelimiterTokenFilter"

Polymorphic Discriminator

Optional preserveOriginal

preserveOriginal: undefined | false | true

A value indicating whether original words will be preserved and added to the subword list. Default is false. Default value: false.

Optional protectedWords

protectedWords: string[]

A list of tokens to protect from being delimited.

Optional splitOnCaseChange

splitOnCaseChange: undefined | false | true

A value indicating whether to split words on caseChange. For example, if this is set to true, "AzureSearch" becomes "Azure" "Search". Default is true. Default value: true.

Optional splitOnNumerics

splitOnNumerics: undefined | false | true

A value indicating whether to split on numbers. For example, if this is set to true, "Azure1Search" becomes "Azure" "1" "Search". Default is true. Default value: true.

Optional stemEnglishPossessive

stemEnglishPossessive: undefined | false | true

A value indicating whether to remove trailing "'s" for each subword. Default is true. Default value: true.

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