Package version:

Face attributes for the detected face.

interface FaceAttributesOutput {
    accessories?: any;
    age?: number;
    blur?: BlurPropertiesOutput;
    exposure?: ExposurePropertiesOutput;
    facialHair?: FacialHairOutput;
    glasses?: string;
    hair?: HairPropertiesOutput;
    headPose?: HeadPoseOutput;
    mask?: MaskPropertiesOutput;
    noise?: NoisePropertiesOutput;
    occlusion?: OcclusionPropertiesOutput;
    qualityForRecognition?: string;
    smile?: number;


accessories?: any

Properties describing any accessories on a given face.

age?: number

Age in years.

Properties describing any presence of blur within the image.

Properties describing exposure level of the image.

facialHair?: FacialHairOutput

Properties describing facial hair attributes.

glasses?: string

Glasses type if any of the face.

Properties describing hair attributes.

headPose?: HeadPoseOutput

3-D roll/yaw/pitch angles for face direction.

Properties describing the presence of a mask on a given face.

Properties describing noise level of the image.

Properties describing occlusions on a given face.

qualityForRecognition?: string

Properties describing the overall image quality regarding whether the image being used in the detection is of sufficient quality to attempt face recognition on.

smile?: number

Smile intensity, a number between [0,1].