faceThe number of seconds for the face ID being cached. Supported range from 60 seconds up to 86400 seconds. The default value is 86400 (24 hours).
recognitionThe 'recognitionModel' associated with the detected faceIds. Supported 'recognitionModel' values include 'recognition_01', 'recognition_02', 'recognition_03' or 'recognition_04'. The default value is 'recognition_01'. 'recognition_04' is recommended since its accuracy is improved on faces wearing masks compared with 'recognition_03', and its overall accuracy is improved compared with 'recognition_01' and 'recognition_02'.
returnAnalyze and return the one or more specified face attributes in the comma-separated string like 'returnFaceAttributes=headPose,glasses'. Face attribute analysis has additional computational and time cost.
returnReturn faceIds of the detected faces or not. The default value is true.
returnReturn face landmarks of the detected faces or not. The default value is false.
returnReturn 'recognitionModel' or not. The default value is false. This is only applicable when returnFaceId = true.
The 'detectionModel' associated with the detected faceIds. Supported 'detectionModel' values include 'detection_01', 'detection_02' and 'detection_03'. The default value is 'detection_01'.