Package version:

System variables for a telemetry item.


  • TelemetryItem


Telemetry data item.

instrumentationKey?: string

The instrumentation key of the Application Insights resource.

name: string

Type name of telemetry data item.

sampleRate?: number

Sampling rate used in application. This telemetry item represents 100 / sampleRate actual telemetry items.

sequence?: string

Sequence field used to track absolute order of uploaded events.

tags?: {
    [propertyName: string]: string;

Key/value collection of context properties. See ContextTagKeys for information on available properties.

Type declaration

  • [propertyName: string]: string
time: Date

Event date time when telemetry item was created. This is the wall clock time on the client when the event was generated. There is no guarantee that the client's time is accurate. This field must be formatted in UTC ISO 8601 format, with a trailing 'Z' character, as described publicly on Note: the number of decimal seconds digits provided are variable (and unspecified). Consumers should handle this, i.e. managed code consumers should not use format 'O' for parsing as it specifies a fixed length. Example: 2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000000Z.

version?: number

Envelope version. For internal use only. By assigning this the default, it will not be serialized within the payload unless changed to a value other than #1.

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