Package version:

Interface SearchNearbyPointOfInterestOptions

Options for searching nearby points of interest



brandFilter?: Object

A comma-separated list of brand names which could be used to restrict the result to specific brands. Item order does not matter. When multiple brands are provided, only results that belong to (at least) one of the provided list will be returned. Brands that contain a "," in their name should be put into quotes.

Usage examples: brandSet=Foo brandSet=Foo,Bar brandSet="A,B,C Comma",Bar

categoryFilter?: Object

A comma-separated list of category set IDs which could be used to restrict the result to specific Points of Interest categories. ID order does not matter. When multiple category identifiers are provided, only POIs that belong to (at least) one of the categories from the provided list will be returned. The list of supported categories can be discovered using POI Categories API.

Usage examples: categorySet=7315(Search Points of Interest from category Restaurant) categorySet=7315025,7315017(Search Points of Interest of category either Italian or French Restaurant)

countryCodeFilter?: Object

Counter filters that limit the search to the specified countries

electricVehicleConnectorFilter?: Object

A comma-separated list of connector types which could be used to restrict the result to Electric Vehicle Station supporting specific connector types. Item order does not matter. When multiple connector types are provided, only results that belong to (at least) one of the provided list will be returned.

Usage examples: connectorSet=IEC62196Type2CableAttached connectorSet=IEC62196Type2Outlet,IEC62196Type2CableAttached

extendedPostalCodesFor?: Object

Indexes for which extended postal codes should be included in the results

language?: string

Language in which search results should be returned.

localizedMapView?: string

The View parameter (also called the "user region" parameter) allows you to show the correct maps for a certain country/region for geopolitically disputed regions.

radiusInMeters?: number

The radius in meters to for the results to be constrained to the defined area, Min value is 1, Max Value is 50000.

skip?: number

Starting offset of the returned results within the full result set. Default: 0, minimum: 0 and maximum: 1900

top?: number

Maximum number of responses that will be returned. Default: 10, minimum: 1 and maximum: 100

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