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Interface ListCertificateVersionsOptions

Package version


An interface representing optional parameters for CertificateClient paged operations passed to listCertificateVersions.


  • KeyVaultClientGetCertificatesOptionalParams
  • OperationOptions
    • ListCertificateVersionsOptions


[key: string]: any



Optional abortSignal

abortSignal: AbortSignalLike

The signal which can be used to abort requests.

Optional customHeaders

customHeaders: undefined | object

{object} [customHeaders] User defined custom request headers that will be applied before the request is sent.

Optional includePending

includePending: undefined | false | true

Specifies whether to include certificates which are not completely provisioned.

Optional maxresults

maxresults: undefined | number

Maximum number of results to return in a page. If not specified the service will return up to 25 results.

Optional onDownloadProgress

onDownloadProgress: undefined | function

Callback which fires upon download progress.

Optional onUploadProgress

onUploadProgress: undefined | function

Callback which fires upon upload progress.

Optional requestOptions

requestOptions: OperationRequestOptions

Options used when creating and sending HTTP requests for this operation.

Optional spanOptions

spanOptions: SpanOptions

Options used to create a span when tracing is enabled.

Optional timeout

timeout: undefined | number

The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.

Optional tracingOptions

tracingOptions: OperationTracingOptions

Options used when tracing is enabled.

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