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Interface ClientCertificateCredentialOptions

Package version

Optional parameters for the ClientCertificateCredential class.




Optional allowMultiTenantAuthentication

allowMultiTenantAuthentication: undefined | false | true

If set to true, allows authentication flows to change the tenantId of the request if a different tenantId is received from a challenge or through a direct getToken call.

Optional authorityHost

authorityHost: undefined | string

The authority host to use for authentication requests. Possible values are available through AzureAuthorityHosts. The default is "https://login.microsoftonline.com".

Optional regionalAuthority

regionalAuthority: undefined | string

Specifies a regional authority. Please refer to the RegionalAuthority type for the accepted values. If RegionalAuthority.AutoDiscoverRegion is specified, we will try to discover the regional authority endpoint. If the property is not specified, the credential uses the global authority endpoint.

Optional sendCertificateChain

sendCertificateChain: undefined | false | true

Option to include x5c header for SubjectName and Issuer name authorization. Set this option to send base64 encoded public certificate in the client assertion header as an x5c claim

Optional tokenCachePersistenceOptions

tokenCachePersistenceOptions: TokenCachePersistenceOptions

Options to provide to the persistence layer (if one is available) when storing credentials.

You must first register a persistence provider plugin. See the @azure/identity-cache-persistence package on NPM.


import { cachePersistencePlugin } from "@azure/identity-cache-persistence";
import { useIdentityPlugin, DeviceCodeCredential } from "@azure/identity";


async function main() {
  const credential = new DeviceCodeCredential({
    tokenCachePersistenceOptions: {
      enabled: true

main().catch((error) => {
  console.error("An error occured:", error);

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