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Interface InteractiveBrowserCredentialOptions

Package version

Defines options for the InteractiveBrowserCredential class.




Optional authenticationRecord

authenticationRecord: AuthenticationRecord

(Only available if used from a browser) Result of a previous authentication that can be used to retrieve the cached credentials of each individual account. This is necessary to provide in case the application wants to work with more than one account per Client ID and Tenant ID pair.

This record can be retrieved by calling to the InteractiveBrowserCredential's authenticate() method, as follows:

const authenticationRecord = await credential.authenticate();

Optional authorityHost

authorityHost: undefined | string

The authority host to use for authentication requests. The default is "https://login.microsoftonline.com".

Optional clientId

clientId: undefined | string

The client (application) ID of an App Registration in the tenant.

Optional correlationId

correlationId: undefined | string

Correlation ID that can be customized to keep track of the browser authentication requests.

Optional flow

(Only available if used from a browser) Authentication flow to use. If the user specifies the implicit-grant flow, we will use MSAL 1. Otherwise, auth-code will be assumed, which uses PKCE and MSAL 2.

Optional loginStyle

loginStyle: BrowserLoginStyle

(Only available if used from a browser) Specifies whether a redirect or a popup window should be used to initiate the user authentication flow. Possible values are "redirect" or "popup" (default) for browser and "popup" (default) for node.

Optional postLogoutRedirectUri

postLogoutRedirectUri: string | (() => string)

Gets the URI to which the user will be redirected when logging out. Defaults to window.location.href.

Optional redirectUri

redirectUri: string | (() => string)

Gets the redirect URI of the application. This should be same as the value in the application registration portal. Defaults to window.location.href.

Optional tenantId

tenantId: undefined | string

The Azure Active Directory tenant (directory) ID.

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