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Interface MapsGeofenceEventProperties

Package version

Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Geofence event (GeofenceEntered, GeofenceExited, GeofenceResult).


  • MapsGeofenceEventProperties



Optional expiredGeofenceGeometryId

expiredGeofenceGeometryId: string[]

Lists of the geometry ID of the geofence which is expired relative to the user time in the request.

Optional geometries

geometries: MapsGeofenceGeometry[]

Lists the fence geometries that either fully contain the coordinate position or have an overlap with the searchBuffer around the fence.

Optional invalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId

invalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId: string[]

Lists of the geometry ID of the geofence which is in invalid period relative to the user time in the request.

Optional isEventPublished

isEventPublished: undefined | false | true

True if at least one event is published to the Azure Maps event subscriber, false if no event is published to the Azure Maps event subscriber.

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