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Interface EventHubConsumerOptions

Package version

The set of options to configure the behavior of an EventHubConsumer. These can be specified when creating the consumer using the createConsumer method.

  • ownerLevel : A number indicating that the consumer intends to be an exclusive consumer of events resulting in other consumers to fail if their ownerLevel is lower or doesn't exist.
  • retryOptions: The retry options used to govern retry attempts when an issue is encountered while receiving events. A simple usage can be { "maxRetries": 4 }.

Example usage:

    retryOptions: {
        maxRetries: 4
    trackLastEnqueuedEventInfo: false


  • EventHubConsumerOptions



Optional ownerLevel

ownerLevel: undefined | number

The owner level associated with an exclusive consumer.

When provided, the owner level indicates that a consumer is intended to be the exclusive receiver of events for the requested partition and the associated consumer group. When multiple consumers exist for the same partition/consumer group pair, then the ones with lower or no ownerLevel will get a ReceiverDisconnectedError during the next attempted receive operation.

Optional retryOptions

retryOptions: RetryOptions

The retry options used to govern retry attempts when an issue is encountered while receiving events. If no value is provided here, the retry options set when creating the EventHubClient is used.

Optional trackLastEnqueuedEventInfo

trackLastEnqueuedEventInfo: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether or not the consumer should request information on the last enqueued event on its associated partition, and track that information as events are received.

When information about the partition's last enqueued event is being tracked, each event received from the Event Hubs service will carry metadata about the partition that it otherwise would not. This results in a small amount of additional network bandwidth consumption that is generally a favorable trade-off when considered against periodically making requests for partition properties using the Event Hub client.

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