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Interface ConnectionPolicy

Package version

Represents the Connection policy associated with a CosmosClient in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.


  • ConnectionPolicy



Optional connectionMode

connectionMode: ConnectionMode

Determines which mode to connect to Cosmos with. (Currently only supports Gateway option)

Optional enableEndpointDiscovery

enableEndpointDiscovery: boolean

Flag to enable/disable automatic redirecting of requests based on read/write operations.

Optional preferredLocations

preferredLocations: string[]

List of azure regions to be used as preferred locations for read requests.

Optional requestTimeout

requestTimeout: number

Request timeout (time to wait for response from network peer). Represented in milliseconds.

Optional retryOptions

retryOptions: RetryOptions

RetryOptions object which defines several configurable properties used during retry.

Optional useMultipleWriteLocations

useMultipleWriteLocations: boolean

The flag that enables writes on any locations (regions) for geo-replicated database accounts in the Azure Cosmos DB service. Default is false.

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