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Interface PollOperationState<TResult>

Package version

PollOperationState contains an opinionated list of the smallest set of properties needed to define any long running operation poller.

While the Poller class works as the local control mechanism to start triggering, wait for, and potentially cancel a long running operation, the PollOperationState documents the status of the remote long running operation.

It should be updated at least when the operation starts, when it's finished, and when it's cancelled. Though, implementations can have any other number of properties that can be updated by other reasons.

Type parameters

  • TResult


  • PollOperationState



Optional error

error: Error

Will exist if the operation encountered any error.

Optional isCancelled

isCancelled: undefined | false | true

True if the operation has been cancelled.

Optional isCompleted

isCompleted: undefined | false | true

True if the operation has been completed.

Optional isStarted

isStarted: undefined | false | true

True if the operation has started.

Optional result

result: TResult

Will exist if the operation concluded in a result of an expected type.

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