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Interface ServiceClientOptions

Package version

Options to be provided while creating the client.


  • ServiceClientOptions



Optional clientRequestIdHeaderName

clientRequestIdHeaderName: undefined | string

If specified, a GenerateRequestIdPolicy will be added to the HTTP pipeline that will add a header to all outgoing requests with this header name and a random UUID as the request ID.

Optional deserializationContentTypes

deserializationContentTypes: DeserializationContentTypes

The content-types that will be associated with JSON or XML serialization.

Optional generateClientRequestIdHeader

generateClientRequestIdHeader: undefined | false | true

Whether or not to generate a client request ID header for each HTTP request.

Optional httpClient

httpClient: HttpClient

The HttpClient that will be used to send HTTP requests.

Optional httpPipelineLogger

httpPipelineLogger: HttpPipelineLogger

The HttpPipelineLogger that can be used to debug RequestPolicies within the HTTP pipeline.

Optional noRetryPolicy

noRetryPolicy: undefined | false | true

If set to true, turn off the default retry policy.

Optional proxySettings

proxySettings: ProxySettings

Proxy settings which will be used for every HTTP request (Node.js only).

Optional requestPolicyFactories

requestPolicyFactories: RequestPolicyFactory[] | ((defaultRequestPolicyFactories: RequestPolicyFactory[]) => void | RequestPolicyFactory[])

An array of factories which get called to create the RequestPolicy pipeline used to send a HTTP request on the wire, or a function that takes in the defaultRequestPolicyFactories and returns the requestPolicyFactories that will be used.

Optional rpRegistrationRetryTimeout

rpRegistrationRetryTimeout: undefined | number

Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for AutomaticRPRegistration. Default value is 30.

Optional userAgent

userAgent: string | ((defaultUserAgent: string) => string)

The string to be set to the telemetry header while sending the request, or a function that takes in the default user-agent string and returns the user-agent string that will be used.

Optional userAgentHeaderName

userAgentHeaderName: string | ((defaultUserAgentHeaderName: string) => string)

The header name to use for the telemetry header while sending the request. If this is not specified, then "User-Agent" will be used when running on Node.js and "x-ms-command-name" will be used when running in a browser.

Optional withCredentials

withCredentials: undefined | false | true

Whether to include credentials in CORS requests in the browser. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/withCredentials for more information.

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