Package version:

Interface ChatMessage

Chat message.


  • ChatMessage


Content of a chat message.

createdOn: Date

The timestamp when the chat message arrived at the server. The timestamp is in RFC3339 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.

deletedOn?: any

The timestamp (if applicable) when the message was deleted. The timestamp is in RFC3339 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.

editedOn?: any

The last timestamp (if applicable) when the message was edited. The timestamp is in RFC3339 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.

id: string

The id of the chat message. This id is server generated.

metadata?: any


sender?: any

Identifies a participant in Azure Communication services. A participant is, for example, a phone number or an Azure communication user. This model must be interpreted as a union: Apart from rawId, at most one further property may be set.

senderDisplayName?: string

The display name of the chat message sender. This property is used to populate sender name for push notifications.

sequenceId: string

Sequence of the chat message in the conversation.

The chat message type.

version: string

Version of the chat message.

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