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Interface ChatMessage

Package version

Chat message. Chat message.


  • ChatMessage



Optional content

Content of a chat message. Content of a chat message.


createdOn: Date

The timestamp when the chat message arrived at the server. The timestamp is in RFC3339 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. The timestamp when the chat message arrived at the server. The timestamp is in RFC3339 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.

Optional deletedOn

deletedOn: Date

The timestamp (if applicable) when the message was deleted. The timestamp is in RFC3339 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. The timestamp (if applicable) when the message was deleted. The timestamp is in RFC3339 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.

Optional editedOn

editedOn: Date

The last timestamp (if applicable) when the message was edited. The timestamp is in RFC3339 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. The last timestamp (if applicable) when the message was edited. The timestamp is in RFC3339 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.


id: string

The id of the chat message. This id is server generated. The id of the chat message. This id is server generated.

Optional metadata

metadata: Record<string, string>

Message metadata. metadata

Optional sender

sender: CommunicationIdentifierKind

Identifies a participant in Azure Communication services. A participant is, for example, a phone number or an Azure communication user. This model must be interpreted as a union: Apart from rawId, at most one further property may be set.

Optional senderCommunicationIdentifier

senderCommunicationIdentifier: CommunicationIdentifierModel

Identifies a participant in Azure Communication services. A participant is, for example, a phone number or an Azure communication user. This model must be interpreted as a union: Apart from rawId, at most one further property may be set.

Optional senderDisplayName

senderDisplayName: undefined | string

The display name of the chat message sender. This property is used to populate sender name for push notifications. The display name of the chat message sender. This property is used to populate sender name for push notifications.


sequenceId: string

Sequence of the chat message in the conversation. Sequence of the chat message in the conversation.


The chat message type. The chat message type.


version: string

Version of the chat message. Version of the chat message.

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