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Interface SubtaskInformation

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An interface representing SubtaskInformation.


Information about an Azure Batch subtask.


  • SubtaskInformation



Optional containerInfo

Information about the container under which the task is executing. This property is set only if the task runs in a container context.

Optional endTime

endTime: Date

The time at which the subtask completed. This property is set only if the subtask is in the Completed state.

Optional exitCode

exitCode: undefined | number

The exit code of the program specified on the subtask command line. This property is set only if the subtask is in the completed state. In general, the exit code for a process reflects the specific convention implemented by the application developer for that process. If you use the exit code value to make decisions in your code, be sure that you know the exit code convention used by the application process. However, if the Batch service terminates the subtask (due to timeout, or user termination via the API) you may see an operating system-defined exit code.

Optional failureInfo

Information describing the task failure, if any. This property is set only if the task is in the completed state and encountered a failure.

Optional id

id: undefined | number

The ID of the subtask.

Optional nodeInfo

Information about the compute node on which the subtask ran.

Optional previousState

previousState: SubtaskState

The previous state of the subtask. This property is not set if the subtask is in its initial running state. Possible values include: 'preparing', 'running', 'completed'

Optional previousStateTransitionTime

previousStateTransitionTime: Date

The time at which the subtask entered its previous state. This property is not set if the subtask is in its initial running state.

Optional result

The result of the task execution. If the value is 'failed', then the details of the failure can be found in the failureInfo property. Possible values include: 'success', 'failure'

Optional startTime

startTime: Date

The time at which the subtask started running. If the subtask has been restarted or retried, this is the most recent time at which the subtask started running.

Optional state

The current state of the subtask. Possible values include: 'preparing', 'running', 'completed'

Optional stateTransitionTime

stateTransitionTime: Date

The time at which the subtask entered its current state.

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