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Interface NetworkConfiguration

Package version

The network configuration for a pool.


  • NetworkConfiguration



Optional dynamicVNetAssignmentScope

dynamicVNetAssignmentScope: DynamicVNetAssignmentScope

The scope of dynamic vnet assignment. Possible values include: 'none', 'job'

Optional endpointConfiguration

endpointConfiguration: PoolEndpointConfiguration

The configuration for endpoints on compute nodes in the Batch pool. Pool endpoint configuration is only supported on pools with the virtualMachineConfiguration property.

Optional subnetId

subnetId: undefined | string

The ARM resource identifier of the virtual network subnet which the compute nodes of the pool will join. This is of the form /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{group}/providers/{provider}/virtualNetworks/{network}/subnets/{subnet}. The virtual network must be in the same region and subscription as the Azure Batch account. The specified subnet should have enough free IP addresses to accommodate the number of nodes in the pool. If the subnet doesn't have enough free IP addresses, the pool will partially allocate compute nodes, and a resize error will occur. For pools created with virtualMachineConfiguration only ARM virtual networks ('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks') are supported, but for pools created with cloudServiceConfiguration both ARM and classic virtual networks are supported. For more details, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-api-basics#virtual-network-vnet-and-firewall-configuration

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