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Interface JobPatchParameter

Package version

An interface representing JobPatchParameter.


The set of changes to be made to a job.


  • JobPatchParameter



Optional constraints

constraints: JobConstraints

The execution constraints for the job. If omitted, the existing execution constraints are left unchanged.

Optional metadata

metadata: MetadataItem[]

A list of name-value pairs associated with the job as metadata. If omitted, the existing job metadata is left unchanged.

Optional onAllTasksComplete

onAllTasksComplete: OnAllTasksComplete

The action the Batch service should take when all tasks in the job are in the completed state. If omitted, the completion behavior is left unchanged. You may not change the value from terminatejob to noaction - that is, once you have engaged automatic job termination, you cannot turn it off again. If you try to do this, the request fails with an 'invalid property value' error response; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request). Possible values include: 'noAction', 'terminateJob'

Optional poolInfo

poolInfo: PoolInformation

The pool on which the Batch service runs the job's tasks. You may change the pool for a job only when the job is disabled. The Patch Job call will fail if you include the poolInfo element and the job is not disabled. If you specify an autoPoolSpecification specification in the poolInfo, only the keepAlive property can be updated, and then only if the auto pool has a poolLifetimeOption of job. If omitted, the job continues to run on its current pool.

Optional priority

priority: undefined | number

The priority of the job. Priority values can range from -1000 to 1000, with -1000 being the lowest priority and 1000 being the highest priority. If omitted, the priority of the job is left unchanged.

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