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Interface ComputeNode

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An interface representing ComputeNode.


A compute node in the Batch service.


  • ComputeNode



Optional affinityId

affinityId: undefined | string

An identifier which can be passed when adding a task to request that the task be scheduled on this node. Note that this is just a soft affinity. If the target node is busy or unavailable at the time the task is scheduled, then the task will be scheduled elsewhere.

Optional allocationTime

allocationTime: Date

The time at which this compute node was allocated to the pool. This is the time when the node was initially allocated and doesn't change once set. It is not updated when the node is service healed or preempted.

Optional certificateReferences

certificateReferences: CertificateReference[]

The list of certificates installed on the compute node. For Windows compute nodes, the Batch service installs the certificates to the specified certificate store and location. For Linux compute nodes, the certificates are stored in a directory inside the task working directory and an environment variable AZ_BATCH_CERTIFICATES_DIR is supplied to the task to query for this location. For certificates with visibility of 'remoteUser', a 'certs' directory is created in the user's home directory (e.g., /home/{user-name}/certs) and certificates are placed in that directory.

Optional endpointConfiguration

endpointConfiguration: ComputeNodeEndpointConfiguration

The endpoint configuration for the compute node.

Optional errors

The list of errors that are currently being encountered by the compute node.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

The ID of the compute node. Every node that is added to a pool is assigned a unique ID. Whenever a node is removed from a pool, all of its local files are deleted, and the ID is reclaimed and could be reused for new nodes.

Optional ipAddress

ipAddress: undefined | string

The IP address that other compute nodes can use to communicate with this compute node. Every node that is added to a pool is assigned a unique IP address. Whenever a node is removed from a pool, all of its local files are deleted, and the IP address is reclaimed and could be reused for new nodes.

Optional isDedicated

isDedicated: undefined | false | true

Whether this compute node is a dedicated node. If false, the node is a low-priority node.

Optional lastBootTime

lastBootTime: Date

The last time at which the compute node was started. This property may not be present if the node state is unusable.

Optional nodeAgentInfo

nodeAgentInfo: NodeAgentInformation

Information about the node agent version and the time the node upgraded to a new version.

Optional recentTasks

recentTasks: TaskInformation[]

A list of tasks whose state has recently changed. This property is present only if at least one task has run on this node since it was assigned to the pool.

Optional runningTasksCount

runningTasksCount: undefined | number

The total number of currently running job tasks on the compute node. This includes Job Manager tasks and normal tasks, but not Job Preparation, Job Release or Start tasks.

Optional schedulingState

schedulingState: SchedulingState

Whether the compute node is available for task scheduling. Possible values include: 'enabled', 'disabled'

Optional startTask

startTask: StartTask

The task specified to run on the compute node as it joins the pool.

Optional startTaskInfo

startTaskInfo: StartTaskInformation

Runtime information about the execution of the start task on the compute node.

Optional state

The current state of the compute node. The low-priority node has been preempted. Tasks which were running on the node when it was preempted will be rescheduled when another node becomes available. Possible values include: 'idle', 'rebooting', 'reimaging', 'running', 'unusable', 'creating', 'starting', 'waitingForStartTask', 'startTaskFailed', 'unknown', 'leavingPool', 'offline', 'preempted'

Optional stateTransitionTime

stateTransitionTime: Date

The time at which the compute node entered its current state.

Optional totalTasksRun

totalTasksRun: undefined | number

The total number of job tasks completed on the compute node. This includes Job Manager tasks and normal tasks, but not Job Preparation, Job Release or Start tasks.

Optional totalTasksSucceeded

totalTasksSucceeded: undefined | number

The total number of job tasks which completed successfully (with exitCode 0) on the compute node. This includes Job Manager tasks and normal tasks, but not Job Preparation, Job Release or Start tasks.

Optional url

url: undefined | string

The URL of the compute node.

Optional vmSize

vmSize: undefined | string

The size of the virtual machine hosting the compute node. For information about available sizes of virtual machines in pools, see Choose a VM size for compute nodes in an Azure Batch pool (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/batch/batch-pool-vm-sizes).

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