The expected issuer for the AttestationToken. Only checked if validateIssuer is set.
Tolerance time (in seconds) used to accound for clock drift between the local machine and the server creating the token.
If true, validate the expiration time for the token.
If true, validate the issuer of the token.
If true, validate the "not before" time for the token.
If true, validate the attestation token, if false, skip validation.
Validation Callback which allows customers to provide their own validation functionality for the attestation token. This can be used to validate the signing certificate in AttestationSigner.
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Options used to validate attestation tokens.
if provided, specifies the expected issuer of the attestation token.
if true, validate the expiration time in the token.
if true, validate the "not before" time in the token.
if true, validate the token.
the validation time slack in the time based validations.
If validateToken, validateNotBeforeTime, or validateExpirationTime are not provided, they are all assumed to be 'true'.