Creates an instance of AttestationClient.
Example usage:
import { AttestationClient } from "@azure/attestation";
const client = new AttestationClient(
"<service endpoint>",
new TokenCredential("<>")
The attestation instance base URI, for example
Used to configure the Attestation Client.
Legacy property to access policy certificate management APIs.
Will be removed.
Attests an OpenEnclave report generated from an SGX Enclave using the OpenEnclave SDK.
An OpenEnclave report generated by an SGX enclave.
Operation options for the attestOpenEnclave API call.
Returns an AttestationResponse whose body is an AttestationResult describing the claims returned by the attestation service.
Attests a quote generated from SGX Enclave using the Intel SDK.
An SGX quote generated by an SGX enclave.
Operation options for the attestOpenEnclave API call.
Returns an AttestationResponse whose body is an AttestationResult describing the claims returned by the attestation service.
Attest a TPM based enclave.
See the TPM Attestation Protocol Reference for more information.
Incoming request to send to the TPM attestation service, Utf8 encoded.
Pipeline options for TPM attestation request.
A structure containing the response from the TPM attestation, Utf8 encoded.
Returns the list of attestation signers which can be used to sign attestation service tokens.
Client operation options.
the set of AttestationSigners which may be used to sign attestation tokens.
Returns the OpenID Metadata discovery document for the attestation service instance.
Client operation options.
The OpenID metadata discovery document for the attestation service.
Generated using TypeDoc
Attestation Client class.
The AttestationClient class enables access to the Attestation related APIs: