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Interface OSProfile

Package version

Specifies the operating system settings for the virtual machine. Some of the settings cannot be changed once VM is provisioned.


  • OSProfile



Optional adminPassword

adminPassword: undefined | string

Specifies the password of the administrator account.

Minimum-length (Windows): 8 characters

Minimum-length (Linux): 6 characters

Max-length (Windows): 123 characters

Max-length (Linux): 72 characters

Complexity requirements: 3 out of 4 conditions below need to be fulfilled
Has lower characters
Has upper characters
Has a digit
Has a special character (Regex match [\W_])

Disallowed values: "abc@123", "P@$$w0rd", "P@ssw0rd", "P@ssword123", "Pa$$word", "pass@word1", "Password!", "Password1", "Password22", "iloveyou!"

For resetting the password, see How to reset the Remote Desktop service or its login password in a Windows VM

For resetting root password, see Manage users, SSH, and check or repair disks on Azure Linux VMs using the VMAccess Extension

Optional adminUsername

adminUsername: undefined | string

Specifies the name of the administrator account.

This property cannot be updated after the VM is created.

Windows-only restriction: Cannot end in "."

Disallowed values: "administrator", "admin", "user", "user1", "test", "user2", "test1", "user3", "admin1", "1", "123", "a", "actuser", "adm", "admin2", "aspnet", "backup", "console", "david", "guest", "john", "owner", "root", "server", "sql", "support", "support_388945a0", "sys", "test2", "test3", "user4", "user5".

Minimum-length (Linux): 1 character

Max-length (Linux): 64 characters

Max-length (Windows): 20 characters.

Optional osConfiguration

osConfiguration: OSConfigurationUnion

Specifies Windows operating system settings on the virtual machine.

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