Package version:

Interface EventHandler

Properties of event handler.


  • EventHandler


Upstream auth settings. If not set, no auth is used for upstream messages.

systemEvents?: string[]

Gets or sets the list of system events.

urlTemplate: string

Gets or sets the EventHandler URL template. You can use a predefined parameter {hub} and {event} inside the template, the value of the EventHandler URL is dynamically calculated when the client request comes in. For example, UrlTemplate can be{hub}/{event}. The host part can't contains parameters.

userEventPattern?: string

Gets or sets the matching pattern for event names. There are 3 kinds of patterns supported: 1. "*", it matches any event name 2. Combine multiple events with ",", for example "event1,event2", it matches event "event1" and "event2" 3. A single event name, for example, "event1", it matches "event1"

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