  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Interface PrivateCloud

Package version

Private cloud model


  • PrivateCloud



Optional availabilityZoneId

availabilityZoneId: undefined | string

Availability Zone id, e.g. "az1"

Optional availabilityZoneName

availabilityZoneName: undefined | string

Availability Zone name, e.g. "Availability Zone 1"

Optional clustersNumber

clustersNumber: undefined | number

Number of clusters

Optional createdBy

createdBy: undefined | string

User's emails who created cloud

Optional createdOn

createdOn: Date

When private cloud was created

Optional dnsServers

dnsServers: string[]

Array of DNS servers

Optional expires

expires: undefined | string

Expiration date of PC

Optional id

id: undefined | string

Azure Id, e.g. "/subscriptions/4da99247-a172-4ed6-8ae9-ebed2d12f839/providers/Microsoft.VMwareCloudSimple/privateClouds/cloud123"

Optional location

location: undefined | string

Location where private cloud created, e.g "westus"

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Private cloud name

Optional nsxType

nsxType: undefined | string

Nsx Type, e.g. "Advanced"

Optional placementGroupId

placementGroupId: undefined | string

Placement Group id, e.g. "n1"

Optional placementGroupName

placementGroupName: undefined | string

Placement Group name

Optional privateCloudId

privateCloudId: undefined | string

Id of a private cloud

Optional privateCloudPropertiesType

privateCloudPropertiesType: undefined | string

Virtualization type e.g. "vSphere"

Optional resourcePools

resourcePools: ResourcePool[]

The list of Resource Pools

Optional state

state: undefined | string

Private Cloud state, e.g. "operational"

Optional totalCpuCores

totalCpuCores: undefined | number

Number of cores

Optional totalNodes

totalNodes: undefined | number

Number of nodes

Optional totalRam

totalRam: undefined | number

Memory size

Optional totalStorage

totalStorage: undefined | number

Disk space in TB

Optional type

Azure Resource type. Possible values include: 'Microsoft.VMwareCloudSimple/privateClouds'

Optional vSphereVersion

vSphereVersion: undefined | string

e.g. "6.5u2"

Optional vcenterFqdn

vcenterFqdn: undefined | string

FQDN for vcenter access

Optional vcenterRefid

vcenterRefid: undefined | string

Vcenter ip address

Optional virtualMachineTemplates

virtualMachineTemplates: VirtualMachineTemplate[]

The list of Virtual Machine Templates

Optional virtualNetworks

virtualNetworks: VirtualNetwork[]

The list of Virtual Networks

Optional vrOpsEnabled

vrOpsEnabled: undefined | false | true

Is Vrops enabled/disabled

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