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Interface BlobOutputDataSource

Package version

Describes a blob output data source.


  • BlobOutputDataSource



Optional container

container: undefined | string

The name of a container within the associated Storage account. This container contains either the blob(s) to be read from or written to. Required on PUT (CreateOrReplace) requests.

Optional dateFormat

dateFormat: undefined | string

The date format. Wherever {date} appears in pathPattern, the value of this property is used as the date format instead.

Optional pathPattern

pathPattern: undefined | string

The blob path pattern. Not a regular expression. It represents a pattern against which blob names will be matched to determine whether or not they should be included as input or output to the job. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/streamanalytics/stream-analytics-input or https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/streamanalytics/stream-analytics-output for a more detailed explanation and example.

Optional storageAccounts

storageAccounts: StorageAccount[]

A list of one or more Azure Storage accounts. Required on PUT (CreateOrReplace) requests.

Optional timeFormat

timeFormat: undefined | string

The time format. Wherever {time} appears in pathPattern, the value of this property is used as the time format instead.


type: "Microsoft.Storage/Blob"

Polymorphic Discriminator

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