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Interface ServiceSasParameters

Package version

The parameters to list service SAS credentials of a specific resource.


  • ServiceSasParameters



Optional cacheControl

cacheControl: undefined | string

The response header override for cache control.


canonicalizedResource: string

The canonical path to the signed resource.

Optional contentDisposition

contentDisposition: undefined | string

The response header override for content disposition.

Optional contentEncoding

contentEncoding: undefined | string

The response header override for content encoding.

Optional contentLanguage

contentLanguage: undefined | string

The response header override for content language.

Optional contentType

contentType: undefined | string

The response header override for content type.

Optional iPAddressOrRange

iPAddressOrRange: undefined | string

An IP address or a range of IP addresses from which to accept requests.

Optional identifier

identifier: undefined | string

A unique value up to 64 characters in length that correlates to an access policy specified for the container, queue, or table.

Optional keyToSign

keyToSign: undefined | string

The key to sign the account SAS token with.

Optional partitionKeyEnd

partitionKeyEnd: undefined | string

The end of partition key.

Optional partitionKeyStart

partitionKeyStart: undefined | string

The start of partition key.

Optional permissions

permissions: Permissions

The signed permissions for the service SAS. Possible values include: Read (r), Write (w), Delete (d), List (l), Add (a), Create (c), Update (u) and Process (p). Possible values include: 'r', 'd', 'w', 'l', 'a', 'c', 'u', 'p'

Optional protocols

protocols: HttpProtocol

The protocol permitted for a request made with the account SAS. Possible values include: 'https,http', 'https'


resource: SignedResource

The signed services accessible with the service SAS. Possible values include: Blob (b), Container (c), File (f), Share (s). Possible values include: 'b', 'c', 'f', 's'

Optional rowKeyEnd

rowKeyEnd: undefined | string

The end of row key.

Optional rowKeyStart

rowKeyStart: undefined | string

The start of row key.

Optional sharedAccessExpiryTime

sharedAccessExpiryTime: Date

The time at which the shared access signature becomes invalid.

Optional sharedAccessStartTime

sharedAccessStartTime: Date

The time at which the SAS becomes valid.

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