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Interface CloudApplicationEntity

Package version

Represents a cloud application entity.


  • Entity
    • CloudApplicationEntity



Optional additionalData

additionalData: undefined | {}

A bag of custom fields that should be part of the entity and will be presented to the user. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional appId

appId: undefined | number

The technical identifier of the application. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional appName

appName: undefined | string

The name of the related cloud application. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional friendlyName

friendlyName: undefined | string

The graph item display name which is a short humanly readable description of the graph item instance. This property is optional and might be system generated. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional instanceName

instanceName: undefined | string

The user defined instance name of the cloud application. It is often used to distinguish between several applications of the same type that a customer has. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


kind: "CloudApplication"

Polymorphic discriminator, which specifies the different types this object can be

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The name of the resource NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional systemData

systemData: SystemData

Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional type

type: undefined | string

The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

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