Package version:

Interface HybridComputeSettingsProperties

Settings for hybrid compute management


  • HybridComputeSettingsProperties


autoProvision: string

Whether or not to automatically install Azure Arc (hybrid compute) agents on machines

hybridComputeProvisioningState?: string

State of the service principal and its secret NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

proxyServer?: ProxyServerProperties

For a non-Azure machine that is not connected directly to the internet, specify a proxy server that the non-Azure machine can use.

region?: string

The location where the metadata of machines will be stored

resourceGroupName?: string

The name of the resource group where Arc (Hybrid Compute) connectors are connected.

servicePrincipal?: ServicePrincipalProperties

An object to access resources that are secured by an Azure AD tenant.

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