Package version:

Interface GovernanceRule

Security GovernanceRule over a given scope



conditionSets?: Record<string, unknown>[]

The governance rule conditionSets - see examples

description?: string

description of the governanceRule

displayName?: string

display name of the governanceRule

governanceEmailNotification?: GovernanceRuleEmailNotification

The email notifications settings for the governance rule, states whether to disable notifications for mangers and owners

id?: string

Resource Id NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

isDisabled?: boolean

Defines whether the rule is active/inactive

isGracePeriod?: boolean

Defines whether there is a grace period on the governance rule

name?: string

Resource name NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

The Owner source for the governance rule - e.g. Manually by - see example

remediationTimeframe?: string

Governance rule remediation timeframe - this is the time that will affect on the grace-period duration e.g. 7.00:00:00 - means 7 days

rulePriority?: number

The governance rule priority, priority to the lower number. Rules with the same priority on the same subscription will not be allowed

ruleType?: string

The rule type of the governance rule, defines the source of the rule e.g. Integrated

sourceResourceType?: string

The governance rule source, what the rule affects, e.g. Assessments

type?: string

Resource type NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

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