Package version:

Enumeration KnownRecommendationType

Known values of RecommendationType that the service accepts.

Enumeration Members

IoTAcrauthentication: "IoT_ACRAuthentication"

Authentication schema used for pull an edge module from an ACR repository does not use Service Principal Authentication.

IoTAgentSendsUnutilizedMessages: "IoT_AgentSendsUnutilizedMessages"

IoT agent message size capacity is currently underutilized, causing an increase in the number of sent messages. Adjust message intervals for better utilization.

IoTBaseline: "IoT_Baseline"

Identified security related system configuration issues.

IoTEdgeHubMemOptimize: "IoT_EdgeHubMemOptimize"

You can optimize Edge Hub memory usage by turning off protocol heads for any protocols not used by Edge modules in your solution.

IoTEdgeLoggingOptions: "IoT_EdgeLoggingOptions"

Logging is disabled for this edge module.

IoTInconsistentModuleSettings: "IoT_InconsistentModuleSettings"

A minority within a device security group has inconsistent Edge Module settings with the rest of their group.

IoTInstallAgent: "IoT_InstallAgent"

Install the Azure Security of Things Agent.

IoTIpfilterDenyAll: "IoT_IPFilter_DenyAll"

IP Filter Configuration should have rules defined for allowed traffic and should deny all other traffic by default.

IoTIpfilterPermissiveRule: "IoT_IPFilter_PermissiveRule"

An Allow IP Filter rules source IP range is too large. Overly permissive rules might expose your IoT hub to malicious intenders.

IoTOpenPorts: "IoT_OpenPorts"

A listening endpoint was found on the device.

IoTPermissiveFirewallPolicy: "IoT_PermissiveFirewallPolicy"

An Allowed firewall policy was found (INPUT/OUTPUT). The policy should Deny all traffic by default and define rules to allow necessary communication to/from the device.

IoTPermissiveInputFirewallRules: "IoT_PermissiveInputFirewallRules"

A rule in the firewall has been found that contains a permissive pattern for a wide range of IP addresses or Ports.

IoTPermissiveOutputFirewallRules: "IoT_PermissiveOutputFirewallRules"

A rule in the firewall has been found that contains a permissive pattern for a wide range of IP addresses or Ports.

IoTPrivilegedDockerOptions: "IoT_PrivilegedDockerOptions"

Edge module is configured to run in privileged mode, with extensive Linux capabilities or with host-level network access (send/receive data to host machine).

IoTSharedCredentials: "IoT_SharedCredentials"

Same authentication credentials to the IoT Hub used by multiple devices. This could indicate an illegitimate device impersonating a legitimate device. It also exposes the risk of device impersonation by an attacker.

IoTVulnerableTLSCipherSuite: "IoT_VulnerableTLSCipherSuite"

Insecure TLS configurations detected. Immediate upgrade recommended.

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