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Interface OperationMetaMetricSpecification

Package version

metric specifications for the operation


  • OperationMetaMetricSpecification



Optional aggregationType

aggregationType: undefined | string

aggregation type of metric

Optional dimensions

dimensions: DimensionProperties[]

properties for dimension

Optional displayDescription

displayDescription: undefined | string

description of the metric

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

localized name of the metric

Optional enableRegionalMdmAccount

enableRegionalMdmAccount: undefined | string

enable regional mdm account

Optional internalMetricName

internalMetricName: undefined | string

internal metric name

Optional name

name: undefined | string

name of the metric

Optional resourceIdDimensionNameOverride

resourceIdDimensionNameOverride: undefined | string

dimension name use to replace resource id if specified

Optional sourceMdmNamespace

sourceMdmNamespace: undefined | string

Metric namespace. Only set the namespace if different from the default value, leaving it empty makes it use the value from the ARM manifest.

Optional supportedAggregationTypes

supportedAggregationTypes: string[]

supported aggregation types

Optional supportedTimeGrainTypes

supportedTimeGrainTypes: string[]

supported time grain types

Optional unit

unit: undefined | string

units for the metric

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