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Interface DirectConnection

Package version

The properties that define a direct connection.


  • DirectConnection



Optional bandwidthInMbps

bandwidthInMbps: undefined | number

The bandwidth of the connection.

Optional bgpSession

bgpSession: BgpSession

The BGP session associated with the connection.

Optional connectionIdentifier

connectionIdentifier: undefined | string

The unique identifier (GUID) for the connection.

Optional connectionState

connectionState: ConnectionState

The state of the connection. Possible values include: 'None', 'PendingApproval', 'Approved', 'ProvisioningStarted', 'ProvisioningFailed', 'ProvisioningCompleted', 'Validating', 'Active' NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional peeringDBFacilityId

peeringDBFacilityId: undefined | number

The PeeringDB.com ID of the facility at which the connection has to be set up.

Optional provisionedBandwidthInMbps

provisionedBandwidthInMbps: undefined | number

The bandwidth that is actually provisioned.

Optional sessionAddressProvider

sessionAddressProvider: SessionAddressProvider

The field indicating if Microsoft provides session ip addresses. Possible values include: 'Microsoft', 'Peer'

Optional useForPeeringService

useForPeeringService: undefined | false | true

The flag that indicates whether or not the connection is used for peering service.

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