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Interface AvailableServiceTier

Package version

Service Tier details.


  • AvailableServiceTier



Optional capacityReservationLevel

capacityReservationLevel: undefined | number

The capacity reservation level in GB per day. Returned for the Capacity Reservation Service Tier. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional defaultRetention

defaultRetention: undefined | number

The default retention for the Service Tier, in days. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional enabled

enabled: undefined | false | true

True if the Service Tier is enabled for the workspace. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional lastSkuUpdate

lastSkuUpdate: undefined | string

Time when the sku was last updated for the workspace. Returned for the Capacity Reservation Service Tier. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional maximumRetention

maximumRetention: undefined | number

The maximum retention for the Service Tier, in days. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional minimumRetention

minimumRetention: undefined | number

The minimum retention for the Service Tier, in days. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional serviceTier

serviceTier: SkuNameEnum

The name of the Service Tier. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

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