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Interface MetricSpecification

Package version

Description of metrics specification.


  • MetricSpecification



Optional aggregationType

aggregationType: undefined | string

The aggregation type.

Optional availabilities

availabilities: Availability[]

List of availability.

Optional dimensions

dimensions: Dimension[]

List of dimensions.

Optional displayDescription

displayDescription: undefined | string

The description of the metric.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

The display name of the metric.

Optional enableRegionalMdmAccount

enableRegionalMdmAccount: undefined | false | true

Whether regional MDM account enabled.

Optional fillGapWithZero

fillGapWithZero: undefined | false | true

Whether gaps would be filled with zeros.

Optional isInternal

isInternal: undefined | false | true

Whether the metric is internal.

Optional metricFilterPattern

metricFilterPattern: undefined | string

Pattern for the filter of the metric.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The name of the metric.

Optional resourceIdDimensionNameOverride

resourceIdDimensionNameOverride: undefined | string

The resource Id dimension name override.

Optional sourceMdmAccount

sourceMdmAccount: undefined | string

The source MDM account.

Optional sourceMdmNamespace

sourceMdmNamespace: undefined | string

The source MDM namespace.

Optional unit

unit: undefined | string

Units the metric to be displayed in.

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